Snowball, born in 2005, is the first cat we’ve ever had!  He was found wandering around the parking lot of the humane society in Burlington when he was a few months old.  He had some unique character faults, including his habit of biting, which made him unsuitable for families with young children.  When I first saw him,  I knew he’d make the perfect farm-cat! 

     He has since become the ultimate mouse/fly/anything he can catch killer-kitty.  Staying indoors only in the winter and whenever he needs to catch up on some “Z’s”, this guy stalks our property at night.    Now, don’t get me wrong, he’s not a feral cat at all.  He likes “some” attention now and then.  A pet here, a   stroke there.  But when he’s had enough, he’s HAD ENOUGH!  Continuing to pet him beyond his acceptable level may lead to some nicks & cuts. 

     Snowball spends the winters indoors tormenting Poopie without end.  He’ll ambush Poopie whenever possible, and scurry away before she realized what just happened.  Forever tempting Poopie to chase him, the two of them can drive us crazy at times.  But again,  when he’s had enough, then that’s it.  A simple swipe to Poopie’s nose notifies her of his intent to be left alone until he’s in the mood again.

Snowball, our “killer-kitty”!